No greater Love than this..
Published by Bammy under on 7:10 PMWhen I look up to Jesus and what He's done for me, I could always conclude that there is no greater love that what HE offered me on the cross.
I have known Him as a Father, my best friend, my Redeemer and Savior, my Defender and my Deliverer, the Lover of my soul.
Jesus lived His life on earth compelled by Love to everyone He ministers to,
This kept HIM steadfast to endure every hardship, and difficulty He knew He will be facing.
I was searching for love at some point in my life and that LOVE captured me, giving me access to the beauty of HIS heart and His desires for those He loves.
I wonder how He managed to still love those who persecuted HIM and those who mocked Him even at His death.
In our world today, we have so much that we tend to neglect the importance of it all. We can not surpass that which HE endured and that undeserved GRACE and a free gift of salvation for all who will believe.
We need to know the heart of God, or we will never make it through.
In the long run, we will just get bored and exhausted and then we give up.
Our involvement in God's ministry is fueled by the oil of His Holy Spirit,
we need to focus more on the vision that the Lord is giving His Church.
He is the Captain of the ship and we take orders from HIm and HIM alone.
We need to complete that great Comission He has given us.
He died for a greater cause and that is for the salvation of many.
So that we can spend eternity with HIM.
Jesus was (and is) the way, the truth, the life, and we killed him. We killed the life. We killed The Son. Anyone of us have, in one way or another, by committing a sin (once). Small or big, but a sin. Jesus, The Son, was killed by it. Or rather: Jesus let himself be killed - so that we could live. This is what happened when Jesus went for the cross, and we owe our lives to him because of that. For Jesus stood up again. The life will not be killed, but survived by being raised again to sit by the right hand of God. In this we believe, but this is nonsense and foolishness to the one untrue.
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